Thematic Panels
The Thematic Panels are organized within a certain theme and are hosted by the Chair(s) who has suggested the theme.
Thematic Panels 2019:
- Managing care priorities in practice: leadership dilemmas in different contexts
- Age(ing in the) Friendly City: Global Guidelines / Diverse Realities
- Reablement as a mechanism for sustainability and active long-term care
- Technology for care and living: Solutions and challenges
- The intergenerational mutual interdependence in aging societies
- Marketisation of care: Strategic policy approach or unintended corollary?
- Making the informal formal. Incentivizing the role of family care givers and migrant care workers in the provision of long term care within the home
- Childcare, equality and wellbeing for all: Is it possible?
- Care as a labour market: Care occupations and professions between quality and contractual arrangements
- After Austerity Policies: Trends for Care and Gender Equality
- Challenges to ageing in place: Potential risks of isolation and abandonment for frail older people living at home
- Priorities for quality of care and user-centred care – implications for formal and informal care workers
- Changing Cultural Ideas and Care Policies across Welfare States and Policy Levels
- Care regimes and task division – comparative evidence
- Men, work and care in contemporary families
- Comparative perspectives on live-in care migration
- Social and Health Care Policies for Elderly Migrants in Europe
- Transforming care work: Impact on working conditions and job quality
- Inequalities and care needs in old age
- What ECEC services in the context of rising child poverty?
- Care in South America: Challenges and tensions in research and public policies
- Changing priorities of disability policies and care/assistance for disabled people in different care regimes
- Collaboration with Volunteers and NGOs to Tranform Care: Valuing Unpaid Care Work